Could pet peeves be the result of a scar? If something horrible occurred, and you are reminded of that instance subconsciously, Could that be the reason for a pet peeve?
3 Tips to Improve Your Mood Daily
No matter what the cause, our mental health is not easily maintained by simply doing nothing. We have to exercise those muscles and create muscle memory just like any other parts of our bodies. And there are 3 ways you can do this daily.
Walking On Eggshells
Even though the Pig will look absolutely pretty with that lipstick you just added, lying to ourselves every day won't make the troubles go away…
Scars, The Truth…Letting Go
My Scars are just too deep and If people keep cutting the same wounds, what is left of me won’t survive it. I have to learn to let go…
What They See Versus Reality
If someone is seen fidgeting with their fingers and not completing a task at hand, they must be lazy. This makes people feel like they have to take on more and more. A never ending Circle leading to failure and burn out….Read more
Anxiety… often misunderstood, as simple fear but it’s so much more than that. Read more to find out 5 misconceptions
You Can't Make Everyone Happy
You can try and do exactly as everyone wants you to do and because it will never be enough, you will always chase their happiness, not yours. Don’t be their Scapegoat….Read more
Mental Health Issues Aren't Unique
Mental Health feels solitary but it’s not the unique experience that we like to imagine it is. While a one size will never fit all, there is something wonderful knowing you aren’t alone in your pain. Not being alone in the imperfections of our beauties and our blemishes. Keep Reading…
Expectations Destroy Relationships
Ever come home from work to a pile of dishes your significant other created or maybe only added too. Did this make you angry? Maybe you thought…while I’m at work today, I’m sure my significant other will just wash all those dishes and the house will be so much cleaner! A common scenario of expectations and if it doesn’t happen…we just end up angry, Read More…