”I don’t have pet peeves, I have whole Kennels of irritation”
That quote by Whoopi Goldberg is a truth we can all identify with. I have never met one person who said nothing bothers them and actually meant it. I have met incredibly laidback people too. The question is: why are things so annoying to us?
Image Credit: @adigold1
Think about it: there is something that other people do that annoys you personally so much that you have bad thoughts when it happens. Yet that same action doesn’t bother anyone else. For me, I have too many to count. Particularly on bad days, I can feel like everything annoys me. And honestly, the older I get, the more of them I seem to add to my list.
Could pet peeves be the result of a scar? If something horrible occurred, or even something quite mild, and you are reminded of that instance subconsciously, it could be the reason for the pet peeve.
At least, that is my theory.
The theory where heartbreaks are causing pet peeves because of the behaviors from an ex. Or, maybe a bad boss used to make a noise or wear a certain color, and today, you just can’t stand it! It’s a defense mechanism based on trauma, theoretically.
Where are my psychologists to shed more light on this when you need them? 😉
Children don’t seem to have these pet peeves in the same capacity as adults, so it would only lend to my scheme of scars.
As a matter of fact, kids seem to be almost immune to the things others do, and while some people might say it’s because they are so self-centered, I would say that’s exactly the reason they should have these annoyances too. I mean, if we are born to get annoyed with loud typing, then that would be a very odd thing about humans.
Although, for anyone who believes in past lives, that born trait or “disturbance” would be the result of the past.
Anyhoo, what are some of your pet peeves?