Mental Health Issues Aren't Unique
The Older I get the more I realize the world is the same. No one is unique no matter where we live. We like to think we are because its easier to think your views and opinions are these brand new amazing ideas. If we were Unique, we could offer something different to the world. And that’s a hard thing to let go of. That doesn’t mean we can’t all bring something to the world. It’s just not going to be Unique, but it can be VERY needed to bring about the right kinds of change the world is waiting for. I’m a firm believer that special people are born during the right times.
Image Credit @lucashew
There is no coincidences. I didn’t meet my husband randomly and the world isn’t going through this hard time on accident. But that’s my view and guess what…It’s not unique! And that’s a good thing to me, for me. But it doesn’t fix me. Just like it doesn’t fix all of us.
And fixing myself has been something I have been trying to do for years. I am damaged goods for sure. But I do finally accept all of my broken pieces. I do want to be whole one day. I have spoken about my Postpartum Depression but that’s not the only battle I have had to fight, nor has the Anxiety. The lessons I have learned since I was a very young girl were learned young and it broke me into the pieces I am today. In other words, my issues started young, and that’s just life. I look back and I don’t wonder if the world dealt me a bad card, instead I just take it as the reasons.
Image Credit @sharonmccutcheon
Friends have heard from me and then not at all…maybe they thought I was ghosting them, but I wasn’t. Family has told me I’m hard to get ahold of. Maybe they thought I didn’t care, but I do. What they all don’t know is I have reasons for why I behave the way I do, just like we all do. Mine have a lot to do with Trust and keeping people at arm’s length. Even Family. Because my trust issues are deep. So, having friends are great but bringing them into my life is a whole other story. I’m an introvert who talks to the world with her blog about her life. Makes Complete sense!
But overall, I’m still not unique and I’m not worse off. Looking to others to see that they have it worse doesn’t necessarily make it better but realizing how good I have things does. I love to remind myself of the many blessings I have in life and I talk about my issues now because I don’t have to be ashamed of not being perfect. That’s the best part about not being unique. Not being alone in the imperfections of our beauties and our blemishes.