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Is Netflix worth the subscription?
Funland Kaitlyn Bracey Funland Kaitlyn Bracey

Is Netflix worth the subscription?

Netflix has been one of the most popular streaming services since its launch in 1997. It started as a DVD rental service and has grown into a powerhouse with millions of subscribers around the world. However, Netflix is far from perfect: it's expensive and can't be used on all devices (like gaming consoles). If you're thinking about subscribing to Netflix instead of Hulu or Amazon Prime Video, read on for more information about whether it's right for you!

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How I Knew He was “The One”
Funland Kaitlyn Bracey Funland Kaitlyn Bracey

How I Knew He was “The One”

Read my story of how I knew he was the one and explore the signs I found that led me to this decision. This is a personal journey of self-discovery and understanding, with lessons for all of us. Learn how you can find your "one" too!

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Chromecast Versus Roku – A review
Funland Kaitlyn Bracey Funland Kaitlyn Bracey

Chromecast Versus Roku – A review

Wondering which streaming device is best for you? Compare Chromecast and Roku to find out which one offers the features, content, and performance that fits your needs. Learn more about both devices and make an informed decision.

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Funland Kaitlyn Bracey Funland Kaitlyn Bracey


Tis the season for GRADS! They are going out into the world and need some new items to go into the world in, or maybe just a small gift to say congrats…either way, check out this list to see what to buy them!

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Funland Kaitlyn Bracey Funland Kaitlyn Bracey


Living and loving, working hard to get to the point, the end game. Looking up to see the many directions leading me back. Back to the starting place and the judging faces of shame

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