Today was a long hard day, not because of anything bad but because we celebrated my son’s second birthday. And lets face it, a birthday isn’t just about the kid, that’s a celebration for the parents because they made it that long with all of the trials and tribulations of what it takes to have a child.
But we don’t all get to celebrate that next birthday with our kids ripping open gifts. And from the moment my son was in my belly, I had this huge fear of losing him. When I see him doing dangerous things, that fear is usually replaced by quick reactions, but I often find myself wondering what if , after all is said and done. I can even find myself worried that he isn’t going to live through the night because of suffocation even though there is no way for him to suffocate in his crib.
What is this fear?
It’s actually very common and very normal but it still hurts.
No matter what, it will always hurt. Not because of having to live it but the fear of it happening to you as selfish as that sounds is devastating.
I can’t stand to hear about the death or even accident of a child after having my kids. Because it’s real now. It’s deep in the bones of a parent to feel the very pain another parent is absolutely feeling 1 million times worse if they lose their child. Because we just don’t want to imagine losing ours.
Granddaddy and Grandbabies- GBRLIFE LLC
But we can’t live in that fear. We can’t do anything but try to continue to move forward for the sake of our children.