3 Tips on how to Cope with a Lack of Family Support
It is a luxury to have family members in your life who can assist you when you most need it. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have someone they can turn to for support when times are tough or just to let them know they can succeed while starting anything new, feeling depressed, or needing a babysitter for the day. It's challenging to not have support when you most need it. Numerous issues, both medically and mentally, may result from it. Even the most reclusive individual is likely to have at least one person they ask for assistance from.
Nevertheless, here are some suggestions to help you deal if you are alone, have children, a new business, or simply require mental support in addition to your doctor's assistance.
Image Credit: @janoschlino
1. General Support to help in most Situations:
Create a Support Network- I know this seems counterintuitive but you can create your own network of support without it having to be family.
Sharpen your own coping skills.- If you are doing it alone, then you also need to learn how to cope alone, so learning the skills to get you through will work wonders.
Try keeping a journal.- I have mentioned this before but I feel it's important to say it as often as possible. Writing down emotions helps to keep the weight of the world off of your shoulders, out of your chest and most importantly out of your body.
2. When taking on a new Venture: The people nearest and dearest to you will be the ones who fill you with the most doubt so that being said…
Remember This:
If you achieve anything on your Journey, that's because of what YOU put into that Journey.
Don't fake it until you make it. Walk into the unknown with confidence because you can do it!
For the Unsupportive Comments you will end up hearing… Remember this:
Their thoughts and opinions are for them to worry about, not you.
If you are going to tell people anything then try to only tell people who you know will support you.
Keep those Goals locked with a key. No one needs to be involved in keeping your goals, they are your goals not theirs. And it's YOU who will take yourself to the places you want to go. Plus it keeps the pressure off of you as you figure out how you want to achieve or re-invent your goals as you go along.
3. For Lack of Support with Kids
Create a routine. Having a schedule of your day helps your kids and you to maintain the balance of household.
For eample...It helps to know the kids eat at noon so you know that you can get some stuff done at noon.
Take care of yourself. Balance is everything for parents.
you can't give your all to you kids if your an empty shell. So give yourself some time. your kids will be ok for 5 minutes if you need to just take a quick shower to feel better.
If they are infants, consider showering during naptime/bedtime and watch them sleep via a camera in the shower. They sell waterproof phone holders for the shower, so you dont have to take your eyes off of them and you can get that shower in. The dishes can wait.
Are You Struggling with a Lack of Family Support? What has helped you?
Let us all know in the comments!