Dear Corporate America
Dear Corporate America,
Hello, I'm one of your countless employees who you hardly give a second thought to. I'll be honest with you: I don't really care about you either. However, it wasn't always that truth. I once cared at one point in my life. because I made an effort and wished to impact your businesses. I was hoping I could make a contribution to the world and strive to provide my children with the best possible existence.
Image Credit: @huntersrace
You shattered it for all of us employees, taking away the satisfaction of contributing to something greater and changing the world. Why is that?
1. You believe that money is God, thus if firing a particular number of employees will help you increase your income, you will do it.
2. You instill in all of your staff the fear that they must remain silent or risk losing their jobs.
3. You Will NOT give your staff the tools they need to do their jobs.
If I need a list for ABC in order to complete my work, I will search for one. Why do I keep hearing that I need to do it correctly and go to X to find it, Y to determine it, and Z to assemble it? Much confusion? Instead of XYZ, I said I needed ABC!
4. You eliminated every justification for loyalty.
No pension
Zero promotions
It is up to us to plan for retirement.
5. You try to disguise a lot of Ageism, Sexism, and Racism.
If your firm requires you to send out data to demonstrate that you are not ageist, sexist, or racist, then you are probably all three of those things.
6. You terminate employees that work diligently and tirelessly for you in order to outsource jobs.
7. If you employ contractors, you treat them as though they don't contribute to your success.
Image Credit: @samuelschneider
In most cases, those people go ABOVE and BEYOND. How are you going to honor your staff without including the most crucial individuals? And, even after all those years of incredible work, you still won't hire them?
8. You use pandemics as an opportunity to harm people. Not all of you are suffering from job losses or reduced benefits, despite how you act.
In reality, according to the numbers and the money, Corporate America was making record profits. Where then was the discord?
9. The little people are the ones who make it happen. Because talking to you all the way up just such a privilege, you put the money in your pocket and expect those tiny guys to employ the chain of command. Consider speaking with the individual who brought it about. It is a privilege to talk with THAT individual. YOUR BUSINESS IS A SUCCESS DUE TO THEM.
10. You believe you are a God.
11. You believe that we are unaware of the fact that you are a major contributor to the economic catastrophe in our country and that you intentionally hurt millions of people in order to increase your own wealth. I wonder how it feels to go to bed at night knowing that's still blood money.
Was I too stern? I certainly hope I was, because, at this point in my life, I've come to the conclusion that none of you are worthy of my kindness, consideration, or reliance. One day, I want to establish my own company to transform how people are treated in the world.
Even if I may not have all the money I need, I am aware that money isn't the only factor in success. And it is also about legacy.
How will people remember your businesses? CEOs, how will YOU be remembered as well?
Those workhorses will also recall you. They'll narrate to your children and grandchildren how you mistreated them. In no manner will history remember your names favorably.