Why Mom Explodes

Once upon a time mom was just a girl, not a mom in training or even the smartest person in the world
She didn’t always do things right, but she laughed and loved and at night she loved to dance and twirl

Living the best she knew how; knowing she could never be perfect, accepting life is just how we make it
Then she met the man of her dreams, yes, he looked like Johnny Depp, it was clear the love bug had bit

They decided to marry and have a family, in the joyous world they were now living, together forever
And then a boy started to grow in mommy’s belly, and she was so happy she didn’t worry whatsoever

It happened, the boy was coming, and she cried out in pain but was excited for what was to come
And when he was in her arms, she was happy to meet the little boy who wiggled and played drums

Sleepless nights and cuddling tight, mommy realized she didn’t know how to do anything right
But she read what she could and tried day and night, never missing work, or cleaning up at night

Soon mommy started to feel like it was never going to end, the struggle of being perfect everyday
Before she knew it, one was going to become two, the boy didn’t know a sister was coming his way.

Mommy kept trying even with baby sister inside, never knowing how to be perfect like they need
But trying to do it anyway because the world told her to be perfect and that’s what was right indeed

Baby sister came to the world, and she was complete, knowing now is the time to be mommy the great
The mistakes made before wouldn’t be an issue, she read about positive parenting, and this was fate

The days became so complicated, and mommy didn’t know how to make it work, they didn’t listen
And she still had to work! She always so busy never getting to sit down, tired at night, she was in prison

Loving both of her babies so much it hurts but she needed a break and the world to let her off the hook
She just wanted a day and full night with a fun lunch, nice long bath, clean house, and a good book!

But instead, she was stuck doing for others and bending her tree, cleaning her home, being a worker bee
The babies were happy and active as can be, but mommy was losing every part of herself to ever see

Positive Parenting, or just parenting correctly… mommy finally realized it was all just lying with a bow
The truth is mommy’s and daddies are just people who grew up, not know what is actually right or foe

Then they take on the biggest and hardest job in the world and the world is so opinionated it hurts
It hurts because you’re told your wrong and never doing it right but there isn’t a handbook to reassert

So mommy keeps it in until she can’t anymore, teaching in pain but no time to heal, mommy gets mad
Sometimes Mommy can’t tell you why the sky is blue, or know why that red cup isn’t right and bad

Mommy didn’t know you wanted the pasta for lunch not the sandwich you asked for, but she tries
She knows you want to play with her but her job pays the bills and your sad face makes her cry

Not that you know because she will hide in the bathroom or the car, anywhere she can get a minute
Constantly worrying how she can do this job of being your mom, without losing it as the oven preheats

But there you both are again, bright eyed and bushy tailed, waiting for her to keep you safe forever
And you complain again, and she just loses it, never meaning she loves you any less then you remember

But that pressure and expectation just overtook her again, and she just couldn’t hold it together
She’s sorry she yelled, sorry she took your joy even if for a moment, just know her love is forever.

She may not ever get it right as you grow up and learn about the truth of this world you live in.
It’s a hard life but you made it so much better for her, she never regrets you even in the explosion.

Kaitlyn Bracey

Who Am I? The face behind this screen is easily seen at Youtube.com at GBRLIFE or the VLOG Page. But, I know that doesn't answer the question as to who I am. I'm a Mom, Wife, and full-time employee, who also happens to own her Own Vlog, Blog, Podcast, and Clothing Line. I have two kids of my own and 2 step kids and I’ve been married to a wonderful man since 2017. My 9-5 job is in the Technology industry so I deal with men all day, but I love getting to learn new things and helping humanity grow in the technology realm. On the side, I have always been a writer and I happen to talk a ton so GBRLIFE came into fruition along with a couple of books. I have loved every minute of GBRLIFE and I'm happy to share it with all of you. Please keep reading, commenting, following, buying, and subscribing! You make all of this possible and worth it. SO to finally answer the Who am I question...well I'm you! My Journey is your Journey!


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