Working From Home…It’s Just Better
Credit: @windows
For the past four years, I have worked from home and have cherished every second of it. I returned to work a day after giving birth when my kid was born because I did all of my job from home. Yes, I did say one day, but that isn't the subject at hand. The key is that since I worked from home and I was able to, I did. Since Covid, people with diseases, illnesses, and even people with numerous children undoubtedly prefer this transition into the home environment for the same reason—being able to.
Before Covid, there was a terrible mindset that pervaded work-from-home workers; while it still exists, it isn't the first thing that people think of when the idea is even raised.
Even though it's not true, many people believe that if you work from home, you're not actually doing your job. According to these people… all you're doing is watching TV, running errands, or doing pretty much anything but your job.
When the coronavirus emerged, several businesses made working from home a requirement.
Interested in the outcomes?
People did, in fact, work from home more effectively than they did in offices. Yes, you did read that right. Numerous studies have demonstrated that people are really more productive at work when they are at home.
Credit: @windows
This does not imply that everyone benefits from it; in fact, I have overheard my coworkers groaning about wanting to return to the office. The strange thing is that for my team, I see them as huge social butterflies at the workplace and actual workers at home. They believe that's where they can achieve best. They want their social time back, but I for one like not having to nag people into doing their tasks.
Working from home is a preferable option for most people, whether they are aware of this.
There are fewer opportunities to unwind and socialize.
Since you frequently don't look at the time and work, you wind up putting in longer hours, however, it's more productive and your quality of work goes up.
You can genuinely watch your children mature, spend time with your dog, eat well or at all, and save money on clothing and gas.
Given that you aren't cooped up in an office touching the same items and spreading germs, you become sick less frequently.
If you have a disability, you can make modifications (in your house) to make it more comfortable if it's a part of your life, and again that productivity goes up along with morale.
Everyone shouldn’t work from home if it doesn’t benefit them and their lives but I do hope that this idea of bringing people back into the office to return us all back to normal is rejected now that we as employees see just how much we propelled companies forward without ever having to set foot in an office. Truly it should be the employees who are free to choose the schedule that works best for them.
In my opinion, there is no reason why this would be a problem.
Businesses might save money by occupying less real estate than they already do.
Employees at businesses would be happier because they would feel like they had a choice.
Individuals could discover ways to manage their lives more effectively, independent of their employers.
What are your thoughts on working remotely? After all this time, are you still a fan?