We've All Got Problems, Don't We?

These days my music of choice is Paramore and their new album After Laughter. Haven’t bought it yet…well you should… Click here to buy it! And those of you who did buy it…go you! You can be my friend because we like the same music.

Image Credit: @kellysikkema

There has been a lot of different reviews on the latest album because of the 80’s inspiration, which is the new sound at the moment. I didn’t like it so much at first but then I had a bad day, which I spoke about on my first blog called “ Bad things come in 3’s” and it happened to be what I was listening to that day. What a game changer, those lyrics to that music, it works and it was all done for a reason. Not saying everyone should listen to it only when they are depressed but Hayley and Taylor really got that feeling down and music is clearly how they deal with issues. It’s their solace and writing is mine.

Everyone loves to say Humans aren’t perfect, or I’m just a human so don’t expect me to be perfect, but aren’t we saying the exact opposite and expecting perfection when we don’t give people the right to focus on mental health?

For those who know me personally they would say it’s music, and in many ways writing and music are equal but, I realized that without being able to write (usually to some sort of a melody) I don’t really know how I would have gone through some tough times. Especially when I was a teenager because I sure went through my parent’s just don’t understand phase. Can’t wait until I have teenagers so I can actually show them my old poems and diaries about how much my parent’s just didn’t understand me. Not sure if that will make a difference and help them know I do get it, but there is always that hope! And with kids, well that is for another day.​

But the point is, having a way to express ourselves whether others agree or don’t, it’s how we deal. Thing is, not everyone has a method or their method is destructive because humanity didn’t help them find a good outlet.

Yesterday, I turned on the TV to just zone out after work only to find out about another suicide bomber and all I can think is people will automatically hate this person and for good reason ( definitely not saying what happened is excusable), but what was their reason? If it was ISIS, then why did they join the hate? Did they feel depressed and bad people took advantage of their frustration and depression. Were they convinced to do such a horrendous act? As a society it’s getting worse because now we just love to point our fingers and then just move on. Moving on without looking within ourselves is exactly what it is to allow history to repeat itself. And the sad part is, we can actually do something about all of this to some capacity. I don’t think focusing on mental health will solve all of the world problems but if it helps bad people to identify why they want to do bad things… or if it helps to stop good people from doing bad things because they are begging for help. Then, I think it’s worth humanity’s effort to make it a priority.

Yesterday, I turned on the TV to just zone out after work only to find out about another suicide bomber and all I can think is people will automatically hate this person and for good reason ( definitely not saying what happened is excusable), but what was their reason? If it was ISIS, then why did they join the hate? Did they feel depressed and bad people took advantage of their frustration and depression. Were they convinced to do such a horrendous act? As a society it’s getting worse because now we just love to point our fingers and then just move on. Moving on without looking within ourselves is exactly what it is to allow history to repeat itself. And the sad part is, we can actually do something about all of this to some capacity. I don’t think focusing on mental health will solve all of the world problems but if it helps bad people to identify why they want to do bad things… or if it helps to stop good people from doing bad things because they are begging for help. Then, I think it’s worth humanity’s effort to make it a priority.

And why are we so afraid of mental health anyway? I know people who suffer from many different issues like depression and bipolar disorder…it’s not like I am able to catch it from them. It shouldn’t be such a problem to go to the doctor and talk to them once a week without worrying about it being covered by insurance like it’s a special request to be healthy in all ways. Or the most common issue, fear that the company you work will finding out and label you in such a way that politically you no longer have an opportunity to do much of anything unless you go out on your own. Because at that point you’re just a liability to them, and stuck right where you are until you retire. Although for us millennials, retirement is turning into a luxury…which again is for another day.

Mental health has to be perfect, we humans have to be perfect or we aren’t qualified to be or do anything according to the world we live in. I don’t know when I grew up and realized that this world is still following the rules of Sparta but I hope that one day the stigma ends. I’m tired of watching people Die for preventable reasons.

“Oh, it’s such a long and awful lonely fall
Down from this pedestal that you keep putting me on
What if I fall on my face?
What if I make a mistake?
If it’s okay a little grace would be appreciated
Remember how we used to like ourselves?
What little light that’s left, we need to keep it sacred
I know that you’re afraid to let all the dark escape you
But we can let the light illuminate these hopeless places”
— Paramore- Idle Worship Lyrics- 2nd Verse

Lessons Learned today:

  • Humanity has a long way to go

  • I have a lot of opinions

  • Our bodies get sick and our brain is part of our body, we should be allowed to give it medicine too!

Kaitlyn Bracey

Who Am I? The face behind this screen is easily seen at Youtube.com at GBRLIFE or the VLOG Page. But, I know that doesn't answer the question as to who I am. I'm a Mom, Wife, and full-time employee, who also happens to own her Own Vlog, Blog, Podcast, and Clothing Line. I have two kids of my own and 2 step kids and I’ve been married to a wonderful man since 2017. My 9-5 job is in the Technology industry so I deal with men all day, but I love getting to learn new things and helping humanity grow in the technology realm. On the side, I have always been a writer and I happen to talk a ton so GBRLIFE came into fruition along with a couple of books. I have loved every minute of GBRLIFE and I'm happy to share it with all of you. Please keep reading, commenting, following, buying, and subscribing! You make all of this possible and worth it. SO to finally answer the Who am I question...well I'm you! My Journey is your Journey!


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