Underrated Time-Saving Hack
I LOVE to sleep, as anyone who knows me well would attest. The one thing I looked forward to as the weekends got closer was sleeping in. When it's the weekend and it's before noon, my family still inquires as to whether they awakened me. Sleep is now a luxury for me since having my kids. But that's okay; just like other parents, I miss sleep, but I've adjusted to life with less sleep. as long as I have my morning cup of coffee! Regarding my family, I continue to be surprised when they inquire as to whether I am still sleeping despite the fact that I have a 4-year-old and a 2-year-old.
Photo Credit: @brucemars
I came to understand one major parenting trick that well-organized parents use as a result of those kids and my lack of sleep. Waking up every day at the same time. Regardless of how much sleep I got or how the night went. I was as productive as I could be when I was able to sleep in, but because my days weren't regular, my tasks didn’t always get finished and they had to be postponed until the following day. Now, that was fine when I didn't have any children, but with children. You don't want to keep putting off that mountain of laundry until the next day or get constantly overwhelmed by everything that needs to be done.
Sounds too simple, no? But it really is that simple. Here is how it functions: You choose an alarm time. Start your day normally (ideally before your children if you have them). You'll discover that your body will automatically awaken at the hour you've chosen, leaving you feeling less exhausted. You will be able to complete tasks early or more effectively if you are more alert, which will save you time. In essence, the consistency you are establishing for your body and your habit causes things to go along more quickly and organically.
Whether my children get up early or not. Every morning, I am able to complete the tasks that I need to. Although I can't do everything, I can manage to go about my morning routine calmly rather than frantically since I always know I have enough of time to complete my tasks before my job begins at 8 AM.
What time-saving trick do you like to employ?