Quotes To Keep You Going

1. "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." -Nelson Mandela

2. ​“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.”–Mark Twain

3.​ “Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.”–H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

4. ​“The opposite of love is not hate; it’s indifference.”–Elie Wiesel

5. “A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself.”–Jim Morrison

6. MY ALL TIME FAVORITE: " Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind" –Dr. Seuss

7. “Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you’ll be criticized anyway.” -Eleanor Roosevelt

8. “Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.” -Chinese Proverb

9. “To find yourself, think for yourself.” -Socrates

10. “If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.” –Napoleon Hill

11. “I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” –Thomas Edison

12. ​“Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.” –Dalai Lama

13. ​“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” –Mae West

14. ​“Children are our most valuable resource.” –Herbert Hoover

15. ​“It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but even more to stand up to your friends.” –J. K. Rowling

16. ​“Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.” – Les Brown

17."Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality." -Emily Dickinson

18. "Nature is never finished." -Robert Smithson

19. "Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." -William James

20. "I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." -Jimmy Dean

Kaitlyn Bracey

Who Am I? The face behind this screen is easily seen at Youtube.com at GBRLIFE or the VLOG Page. But, I know that doesn't answer the question as to who I am. I'm a Mom, Wife, and full-time employee, who also happens to own her Own Vlog, Blog, Podcast, and Clothing Line. I have two kids of my own and 2 step kids and I’ve been married to a wonderful man since 2017. My 9-5 job is in the Technology industry so I deal with men all day, but I love getting to learn new things and helping humanity grow in the technology realm. On the side, I have always been a writer and I happen to talk a ton so GBRLIFE came into fruition along with a couple of books. I have loved every minute of GBRLIFE and I'm happy to share it with all of you. Please keep reading, commenting, following, buying, and subscribing! You make all of this possible and worth it. SO to finally answer the Who am I question...well I'm you! My Journey is your Journey!




The Worst Advice