Life Is Like A Box Of Contradictions
The world contradicts itself on a daily basis, and it’s in the biggest and smallest ways. Don’t believe me? When was the last time you got mad at someone for doing things you do all the time? Not wanting to admit to your own actions ok…then let’s go with something more easily digestible. People steal music and software from the internet all the time, but those same people would say they not only haven’t stolen but that they would never steal from a brick-and-mortar store.
Believe me yet? That’s ok, I have a few more like this and it may surprise you just how much humans really just don’t make sense.
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash
Speeders…I’m coming for you. People who speed are generally law-abiding citizens and when they receive a ticket for breaking that specific crime, do you think they change their behavior? Nope, they typically continue to speed, even though it’s against the law that they otherwise wouldn’t break.
Your moral compass may decide these have a clear answer as to what people should and shouldn’t do but this isn’t about your morals, because morals have a whole other contradiction…like the fact that people strongly deny the possibility of God or Gods that are outside of their own belief, but they also become extremely defensive when someone reciprocates that same point of view.
Want a balanced life? Many say they do but what is balance to everyone isn’t exactly what they do. Life, work, kids…wouldn’t it be great to have that 50/50? Reality is people actually dedicate 75% of their life to work and another 10% to watching TV. Not that family time you hoped for unless you are watching TV with your family.
Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash
Life is vast and so is its knowledge, which is why the more you learn…the more you will realize how little you know. Masters of their craft continue to learn or they will become obsolete. Think Doctors and their continued education, or teachers with their workshops. Knowledge is never ending.
If it’s available, you don’t really want it to do you? Don’t act like you want things you can have all the time. You’re not alone in this because humans are pretty similar in this. We have this crazy thought process that tells us that things are more valuable if they are scarce. Which makes no sense. It’s not more valuable, it’s just the quantity available. Other options that have more abundance may be a way better option.
This is about reality, and reality isn’t always what we think it is. Which is why business’ use the contradictions to their advantage. The one about choices of course. Did you ever notice that the more voices you have the more unsatisfied you feel? Well, that’s why there are less options when a brand or store is trying to sell you something.
Want a party trick? Simple one, the more honest you are about your faults, the more perfect people will think you are. Fascinating right?
What do you contradict yourself with?