Life Continues…But How Do You Catch Up?

Brand new mornings bring you the potential of a wonderful or horrible day. A positive outlook first thing in the morning is going to keep your mental health in a much better state for the rest of the day. Which means, we should go ahead and have the best outlook to have fantastic days. That’s the hope and the Dream as my husband often says. The truth is, if we are going into the day knowing the world has been fast moving but we haven’t been able to catch up to it, we aren’t going to have that positive mindset.

How can we remain positive with the world passing us by?

Investing into Cryptocurrency or being that YouTube and Tik Tok star when so many others have already tried and failed because we didn’t see the trends starting. Relegating us to the audience not the star. Not to say someone could achieve success after others have already made it, but the chances decrease as time goes on.
These trends aren’t just for larger stardom or wealth, because we have our own mini trends within our lives. For example, your friends and family may all of a sudden all want to go out to different locations when you just happen to be the busiest. Or everyone appears to be buying a new car, but you just spent all your money on a new house.

The world is moving at a faster pace then most could follow along and we shouldn’t try to.

It may be best to start the day with a positive mindset but how healthy is keeping up with the Jones? Which is why, we should instead be focused on our own goals and achievements, not keeping up.

If you miss out on what your friends and family are doing at the moment, that’s ok. A true friend isn’t going to worry about you missing out here and there, nor is your family. If they are, I would definitely consider looking at my other post about Toxic Relationships or my other post about Narcissistic personalities because those are the kinds of people who worry just how much you are participating in everything they have going on. They need the attention of course.

Attention doesn’t get you to your goals the way actually focusing on them does.

I have heard a saying, “The more time you take supporting is less time you get on your own goals” – Unknown.

This isn’t to tell people to stop supporting others, but to remind people not to try to catch up and support others all the time. Your focus needs to be on your own goals.

Bringing me back to the question at hand…. How do you catch up? You don’t!

Besides, it will bring about way more interesting conversations, whenever you do get a chance to spend time with everyone again without the slightest shame that you were taking time for yourself and your mental health or your goals.

How do you feel about trying to catch up to others?

Kaitlyn Bracey

Who Am I? The face behind this screen is easily seen at at GBRLIFE or the VLOG Page. But, I know that doesn't answer the question as to who I am. I'm a Mom, Wife, and full-time employee, who also happens to own her Own Vlog, Blog, Podcast, and Clothing Line. I have two kids of my own and 2 step kids and I’ve been married to a wonderful man since 2017. My 9-5 job is in the Technology industry so I deal with men all day, but I love getting to learn new things and helping humanity grow in the technology realm. On the side, I have always been a writer and I happen to talk a ton so GBRLIFE came into fruition along with a couple of books. I have loved every minute of GBRLIFE and I'm happy to share it with all of you. Please keep reading, commenting, following, buying, and subscribing! You make all of this possible and worth it. SO to finally answer the Who am I question...well I'm you! My Journey is your Journey!

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