How Far Will Private Companies Go?
Many of us can get into the debate as to whether or not mandates should have existed for the most recent vaccine and the debate wouldn’t be unjustified. There is a need for humans to discuss what is best for humankind overall and this was a situation where decisions had to be made. The question as to whether or not we should or shouldn’t require a vaccine however became a debacle that ended up becoming enforced the most by small businesses in the United States. Why? The United States has a constitution, and the government is not able to just enforce it. It has to be constitutional and that was a question that today is in the courts to be answered. So how did a country of 329.5 million people get 198 million people vaccinated? Private Company Mandates. But how much power did the United States just blindly give an employer over their employee?
Photo Credit: @adeolueletu
It’s easy to assume most companies required their employees to go get the vaccine and that was that, but if anyone were to think this way, they are completely forgetting that companies have a bottom line to consider. If their employees could be forced to take a vaccine without having a say, there must be other ways in the medical area that they could cut costs and employees again wouldn’t have a say. Areas like Insurance or seeing more medical information in order to make sure their employees are able to do their jobs but under the pretense of making sure their offices are safe. It’s the new excuse and it’s a scary new territory these companies are taking over. So how does that give them more money?
Employees will leave by choice, or they will simply get to pay less for the insurance plans offered. And these are just a few cost-cutting measures, those in upper management spend all day thinking of different ways to cut costs and implementing them.
Is anyone watching them and making sure their new enforcements are lawful towards their employees?
Right now, it seems like the trust is with employers in that regard, but with the Great Resignation, many employees have also had enough. Enough with the requirements, and the fake promises corporate America loves to dish out to their employees.
Corporate America isn’t necessarily under one giant conspiracy theory blanket, but they are not the friend of anyone but that pocketbook. It is rare to find a good public company that actually cares about its employees. Not Today.
I just hope the Great resignations continue and send a big message to Corporate America that us employees will not just comply with everything they want us to do. Not if it doesn’t actually benefit humankind.
We spend too much time working for companies who want us to basically die for them where they will just replace us the next day. Like those years and that time didn’t matter.
But we all do matter, and we do have a choice.
What is your company requiring you to do that seems completely against the law?