Getting the chance to retire is a luxury before everything happened with Covid-19. It’s not something that everyone can do, without having to take on another side job just to get by. Or they just simply can’t do it at all because they have no real retirement. Now that being said, for the people who do have those pensions and have the years and ability to just get up and go anytime. With the job cuts and pay cuts, and lack of promotions among so many other things in workplace culture. The fact that you (the person who is sticking around) are not budging. You can have a ton of reasons but what you’re really doing is causing people around you to stop Progressing entirely.
Photo Credit: @towfiqu999999
You are what my husband and I call retired in place.
You don’t want to do much more with your job, beyond the responsibility that is already handed to you. But you’re super happy to use up that 20 weeks of vacation you racked up, telling people what to do and how to live, but never leaving so no one can have a chance to progress in their career.
Add in those job cuts and the thing is the companies out there don’t want lawsuits, so ageism is going to be avoided as much as possible. Meaning you get paid more and have more flexibility with life and work but the person who is trying so hard to make it, well they are going to get fired because the company will figure you know how to do their job too since you are the boss. But I know many of your types. You don’t have that ability because you were and are so happy just where you are. You didn’t take the time to learn a new way of doing things. And you’re more of a hindrance to things versus an asset.
I don’t want to anyone they are being selfish by sticking around while watching others struggle if they are financially able to leave but…read between the lines.
So, if your reading this and you just lost your job because of someone like this…many of us out there get it. They should have been let go over you. Not that I want anyone to lose their job. So I would say rather, they should have taken retirement which would have allowed you to keep your job. And if you are reading this as a person who is contemplating retirement with the ability to live a good life because you have retirement savings, a pension, and a life….then let me just help you out…Put in the paperwork. And let go of the work life. You will have plenty to do afterward. Because there is a life to live!
How do you feel about the people who refuse to retire?