Hating People? It might be Burnout

After dealing with my regularly crazy life today, I examined the analytics of one of my posts and discovered how little interest there was in it. Even if it happens frequently on the internet that certain messages get less response than others, I find it puzzling how frequently people choose the hype above the cause. Instead than merely being humorous or trendy, the post focused more on assisting.

It may be because to how much escapism individuals need these days, but nevertheless, it is depressing to see how unkind people can be. It's still a component of the human condition, but my response to it isn't always a reflection of the human condition. Interested in my response?

I began to feel contempt for humans in general and wanted to lecture others on their selfishness.

When you see how little other people care, it could seem acceptable to feel angry or hateful, but in truth, these emotions are only ways to communicate displeasure, which shouldn't be so intense as to inspire hatred for everyone. Actually, the strong reaction I'm experiencing is a symptom of burnout.


Although everyone experiences burnout differently, there are several very obvious symptoms that someone has already had or is experiencing burnout. There is also a procedure for everything. There are five complete steps to the ultimate burnout. And it gets worse: until you know what is happening or until your body gives out, you could be in a constant state of burnout.

We are not designed to withstand the kind of stress that modern life puts us under, thus your body will succumb.

This is due to the constant flow of tasks, expectations, and information we face nowadays. If we are at home, dealing with social media (all the notifications), at work (Emails, Calls, IM's, Extra Undiscussed Requirements), or merely at home (Being called for assistance, Daily Chores, just the never-ending demands). Not to mention the obligations of being a daughter, son, sister, or husband.

Image Credit: @anthonytran

Burnout is therefore understandable because the turmoil won't end unless you learn how to set boundaries and maintain work/life balance. Burnout in my own life is unavoidable, but I can modify it by acknowledging the issues I face and making an effort to address them.

Let’s look at the Stages of Burnout:

  • Honeymoon Phase: Although the honeymoon phase might not seem like it belongs on the list, it is actually an important stage because this is when things can go any way. You are content and happily taking on the duty since you feel fantastic! And each step you take is evidence of this. So you continue to deal with whatever is thrown your way.

  • Beginning of Stress: Knowing the difference between tension and enthusiasm, you understand that the days aren't as simple as they were in the beginning. It takes more effort to accomplish what you formerly did, and even as you're going through each day, there are just so many other things you have to deal with that it feels much more challenging. Items include a lack of attention or decreased productivity. even even more elevated blood pressure The list continues.

  • Chronic Stress: The stress has increased from being bearable to being totally incapacitating. And you start to feel excessively exhausted despite getting plenty of sleep, making you more resentful of how much you have taken on. You are also continuously dealing with the possibility of bodily ailments in addition to your rage. Simply put, everything about it is not good. And you feel as though all you need is a year of uninterrupted sleep on a beach vacation where nobody will ever bother you. That's why you've also started to annoy everyone you can.

  • Burnout: It's finally here. Now it's done, officially. You're exhausted. Thinking things couldn't get much worse, it suddenly got intolerable. Your entire life is spent in pain from migraines, stomachaches, and bowel problems. Your outlook on life is so bleak at this point that you don't want to even try for anything. And all you can think about is how much you want to run away.

  • Habitual Burnout: This is the last stage, but it's also the hardest since you get so exhausted that you believe there is no way out. resulting in full mental and physical exhaustion as well as depression.

You can see where we go wrong and how we're headed toward burnout if you read the stages. To be clear, though, people may always make changes in their lives and find happiness once more. Never give up, but be vigilant and aware of the warnings. Even though you might be in the honeymoon stage, you still need to learn self-love and limits. I am aware of this as the reason why I am where I am. I try to please as many people as I can and rarely say no, thus I frequently get habitual burnout, but I am able to recover. My own narrative explains how, but that will have to wait until another day.

I'm here to say that I'm back in Stage 3/4, and it's time for me to make a change.

Please don't give up if you're struggling with burnout; there is a solution! But you have to first recognize that you require a break. It's important to learn how to say "No," establish boundaries, and realize that you will never be liked by everyone. That way, even if you're despised by certain people, it won't have an impact on how you live your life every day.

Are you in any of the stages?

Kaitlyn Bracey

Who Am I? The face behind this screen is easily seen at Youtube.com at GBRLIFE or the VLOG Page. But, I know that doesn't answer the question as to who I am. I'm a Mom, Wife, and full-time employee, who also happens to own her Own Vlog, Blog, Podcast, and Clothing Line. I have two kids of my own and 2 step kids and I’ve been married to a wonderful man since 2017. My 9-5 job is in the Technology industry so I deal with men all day, but I love getting to learn new things and helping humanity grow in the technology realm. On the side, I have always been a writer and I happen to talk a ton so GBRLIFE came into fruition along with a couple of books. I have loved every minute of GBRLIFE and I'm happy to share it with all of you. Please keep reading, commenting, following, buying, and subscribing! You make all of this possible and worth it. SO to finally answer the Who am I question...well I'm you! My Journey is your Journey!


Letting Them Go and Picking ME instead
