A Season Of Disappointment

The sun spills its light and heat into windows every morning. With this natural light filling spaces and showing the reality of how we live our lives, life gradually begins to awaken. avoiding the light of day so we can pretend life isn't so difficult. Or the place where we sob at how our reality is revealed during the day. In either case, we are powerless to escape what life is once the light enters. The sound of small feet stomping about in my house serves as a constant reminder that I'm a mother. The clock then serves as a reminder that I have a job to prepare for, a home to maintain with my husband, and another hard day to get through.

REAL LIFE is way better then Fiction…GBRLIFE LLC

Like the majority of parents, I am very appreciative of my kids. They are my true loves, and I couldn't imagine living without them. Life would be significantly less enjoyable without smiles and sticky palms. Although my kids are at an age where they are highly demanding, they provided me with meaning in all aspects of my life. The responsibilities are high because my husband and I work from home without daycare, and they are just as hard as my 9–5 job. (Yeah, they are home with us every day while we work)

We aren’t an unusual family, especially since 2020, working at home with our children running around us all day. Day in and day out, we struggle to figure it out, but we get our jobs done and our children continue to progress, and then comes the night. The only time we have left is after we finally put those kiddos to bed and it’s time for us to sleep, clean, do side businesses, and catch up on anything and everything.

Little by little my husband and I have lost the ability to get everything done to the expectations of the people around us. The days are filled with remembering we need to communicate with, plan, and fulfill the promises, but we barely remember to eat. Most of the time we laugh about it but we know, it’s not ideal and truly, we are doing the best we can, just like so many other parents.

It’s normal at the stage our children are in, but what isn’t normal is the lives we have had to live since 2020. Frankly, we are in a world we never thought we would have to raise these kids in. The world I gave birth to a child in with a face mask on (I do not recommend it), fearful of walking outside …with my new baby, for a long time. A world where hateful opinions are freely spoken without the shame they used to bring.


The kind sympathy of a stranger who wants to help when you can't take apart the stroller or get that bottle when your child is screaming is gone. Having children is being used against parents today. Disgust has replaced that compassion. Because we bring our kids to the grocery store and our children are just an inconvenience for the people attempting to shop, parents are confronted with cold looks. Or Karen over there might have an opinion on why our kid is wearing a hat.

Due to the fact that it differs significantly from how we were brought up, we sometimes struggle with how to introduce the "new" normal to our children. What's worse is how deeply these necessary ways of living have crept into families.

Well, that is when you recall they even exist after you have cleaned up juice spills, changed into new clothes, and successfully calmed your child down after their most recent tantrum for the millionth time all while on a conference call. Just another normal day struggling as a parent and attempting to avoid bringing difficulties to others. But now, all that's left are hurt feelings because you didn’t do enough.

Yet you hurt because they didn't realize you were genuinely doing your best.

Friendships end up being lost, families grow apart, and after the "stage" has passed, the world becomes a lonely place. Why does the outside world tell the parents that they are selfish for living in that season while also telling them that it is a season?

In the end, there is a disappointment from all directions. More than ever, realizing that we don't walk in another person's shoes could be very helpful, and the difficulties each of us faces should not be minimized. Fathers worry themselves into depression, mothers lose their identities, and kids need the love and care that only parents can provide. And these don't even consider the lemons that life frequently throws your way, such as sadness, job loss, homelessness, etc.

Regardless, right now is the season of toddlers in my home along with broken promises, bitterness, and disappointment.

A cycle can be interrupted, and the worst will eventually come to an end.

Did you suffer the loss of loved ones during toddler/young child season?

Kaitlyn Bracey

Who Am I? The face behind this screen is easily seen at Youtube.com at GBRLIFE or the VLOG Page. But, I know that doesn't answer the question as to who I am. I'm a Mom, Wife, and full-time employee, who also happens to own her Own Vlog, Blog, Podcast, and Clothing Line. I have two kids of my own and 2 step kids and I’ve been married to a wonderful man since 2017. My 9-5 job is in the Technology industry so I deal with men all day, but I love getting to learn new things and helping humanity grow in the technology realm. On the side, I have always been a writer and I happen to talk a ton so GBRLIFE came into fruition along with a couple of books. I have loved every minute of GBRLIFE and I'm happy to share it with all of you. Please keep reading, commenting, following, buying, and subscribing! You make all of this possible and worth it. SO to finally answer the Who am I question...well I'm you! My Journey is your Journey!


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