10 Things That Annoy Parents With Toddlers

1. Making ridiculous comments about us carrying our toddler in a carrier. They don’t walk well yet and get into everything. Sometimes it’s easier to get the errands done when we hold them in that carrier, versus having to continuously put everything back that they try to touch in the cart. They also tend to get impatient quickly because they want to walk, however…if they happen to be with mom or dad and carried, we MIGHT just get a few more moments to grab the groceries we need, check out and get back to the car. So enough with the comments, we get it, you would love to be carried around too…so would we because we are exhausted…but you’re not 1 years old. Instead maybe help and Move out of our way, because we barely have the time to sit and chat.

2. He or She is a big girl or boy, must be a big eater or must not be a big eater. Why do people STILL think its ok to talk about what my child eats and their weight? It’s no wonder people have body dysmorphic disorder. We talk about other people and their weight at such a young age and in such a negative fashion, that’s all they hear. Those kids may not understand everything you’re saying now but that doesn’t mean one day they will, and they aren’t big or small. They are who they are with the body types they have. Let them grow up! Also I’m sure the parent your talking to brings them to the doctor and they have a clean bill of health, so why are you trying to play doctor and tell us parents what our child should or shouldn’t look like?

3. No Socks/Shoes? My kid takes off socks and shoes any moment he gets a chance, and guess what I’m tired of losing a ton of socks and shoes! So sometimes he is barefoot. But I’m fully aware he is barefoot and I take the precautions needed because of this. I’m not letting my kid just run around anywhere without socks and shoes. You noticed it because he was sitting there not touching anything and you felt the need to look my child over for your approval as to how he is being raised right? NO? Then why are you commenting on whether or not he is wearing socks and shoes. Do you want to argue with a toddler about not taking off their shoes? Were you there this morning when you tried to not only get those shoes on but keep them on for about an hour? NO? Then SHHHHHHH, you’re lucky I’m even dress right now after the morning we probably had.

4. Your Child is just acting their age. You see us trying to get them back in line, but you feel the need to tell us its ok, they are just acting like a toddler. Look I’m aware of why they are acting the way they are but I am also trying to raise my kid not to throw things or grab at everything they see. In addition to the temper tantrums we are trying to work through. Now is not the time to discuss how you feel about how I’m parenting my child perfect stranger. Now is the time to be sympathetic towards mom or dad because they are doing the best they can and they need the support right now, not the judgments. Instead remind them of how great of a job they are doing because they care enough to help guide those kids into becoming productive adults…WITH MANNERS!

5. Random unsolicited advice. People see a mom or dad with their kids and automatically start to tell them about their kids and what they did to raise their kids. But not because of reminiscing. More like they think it’s their job to instill the requirements of the right way to handle a kid this age. Since I don’t know you, I can’t really just accept your advice like its right since your kids may or may not be a great example after how you personally raised them. Especially now that I know your kid is 40 years old, living with you and has no job.

6. Judgey Faces in general. (Sometimes they will comment how you have your hands full) So while this one isn’t words, I will say, all of you judgey people out there, we noticed your face and it’s unnecessary. You know how you need groceries, well I do too. You know how you need to pay bills, change the car oil, mail those letters, pick up that tool to fix that issue at home…ME TOO! But I have kids that go with me as I do these things. And believe me, I would have loved to keep my kids at home as I got all these things done too. However, that’s not how life works, so why judge me because I had children and they are in the same space as you. I’m not judging you for not having kids, no reason to judge me for having them either.

7. Why can’t you just drive here or come spend time with us. This one is actually a really simple answer but it’s annoying to have to explain it every time. First off, it’s Tuesday at 9 AM. I’m working, so umm it’s great you got the day off, but I didn’t and umm, it’s a real job. You know just like yours. Second, the process of getting my kids into the car can take a hour alone, so I’m not usually one to jump up and say YES, I would LOVE to just go over to where you are with this kid that I have to prepare an hour in advance to see you for about 30 minutes after I took the day off of work. Oh and then there is the whole process of getting everything back to normal after we get home. Not to mention, it would have to be at certain times only because my kid has to take a nap and if they don’t I won’t sleep tonight because they aren’t going to sleep tonight. Lastly you live an hour away but the window of travel is about 2 hours so that means I have about 5 minutes to talk to you before having to run back to make it for nap time. Oh and if you think I can just have my kid nap in the car, they don’t, not because I don’t want them to, because they just don’t. You can’t just jump and go places with kids, it’s a bit more planned out and that’s fine, and visits can and will happen but it’s not something we are enthusiastic about doing and avoid more often than not.

8. You never answer the phone! I have a very demanding child at home, a job, and things to get done. I didn’t answer the phone because probably didn’t know you called, or I saw you called but I was in the middle of getting that bottle cap out of my kids mouth. I probably even intended on calling you back, but my kid has been following me for the past two hours and if they see me on the phone, I promise you there will be a kid screaming in the background because they want my phone. And that’s just the weekends. If it’s the week day, well I’m probably hiding in a closet trying to talk to my teammates on our weekly calls before my kid sees me. So calling you back is definitely not a priority because I already had to plan out how I was going to manage these random work calls and non-random work calls, which I have to answer. And when the work day is done with that crazy kid I just dealt with as well, calling you back is the last thing on my mind. But sleep, well that’s exactly what I’m aiming for, if only I could push up bedtime like 15 minutes.

​9. Why don’t you just put your kids in Daycare? The cost of daycare in the United States is ridiculous. It’s usually the cost of someone’s job alone. And here is the thing, just because I had children doesn’t mean I need to give up on all of that work I did just to get to where I am now, including going to college. (Which plenty of people then like to give the advice of just staying home instead of working and let’s be honest we never tell the men to just stop working either.)

While right now it’s hard juggling both working and having my kids at home, it’s worth it because trying to rejoin the workforce after years away, especially as a women is incredibly difficult. My kids are going to grow up so choices I make today will absolutely affect my future just as much as it affects theirs. Childcare cost is a major issue in the United States and that’s what really needs to change. We need to stop punishing parents for having kids because the world is overcrowded. We need to instead make it easier to raise these kids because whether or not you like it, they are the future. And those kids may be the ones to cure diseases, moves us to Mars and/or rescue our planet. Besides have you seen the new Netflix show about the Flu! It takes one Pandemic and bam, no more overcrowding in a sad horrible way. ( oh wait that happened...AND it's not even a bad pandemic according to scientists, this could have been much worse) We never know what the future will hold! But we can raise our kids to be mindful, kind, and creative so that our planet has a future. Other countries are not only already on board with this, they offer help for free, sometimes at home and they promote both parents being involved.

10. Enjoy these moments, they are only little once- That’s very true and I agree because I have seen my child grow tremendously in just a year or two. Also this grocery trip used to just be me and a sleeping baby but now it’s a toddler who likes to explore and eat everything. So believe me, I get it. BUT, every moment is not enjoyable and our brains tend to forget those bad moments. Not every bad moment but that crazy stress and embarrassing moment is often forgotten after many years. So it can be easier to say to someone to just enjoy this while your forgetting that those many times your own kids made you feel crazy. However, I do appreciate you reminding me to take it all with a grain of salt and relax because they will grow up and this crazy will be over. Besides, a lot of parents do try to bask in the happy times as much as possible. I personally try to take the photos to also prove they happened because I’m pretty sure I’m going to end up in a mental hospital by the time my kids turn 18. (Disclaimer: True Mental health issues are not a joke and this is not me trying to make anyone feel badly about having any mental disorders.)

Kaitlyn Bracey

Who Am I? The face behind this screen is easily seen at Youtube.com at GBRLIFE or the VLOG Page. But, I know that doesn't answer the question as to who I am. I'm a Mom, Wife, and full-time employee, who also happens to own her Own Vlog, Blog, Podcast, and Clothing Line. I have two kids of my own and 2 step kids and I’ve been married to a wonderful man since 2017. My 9-5 job is in the Technology industry so I deal with men all day, but I love getting to learn new things and helping humanity grow in the technology realm. On the side, I have always been a writer and I happen to talk a ton so GBRLIFE came into fruition along with a couple of books. I have loved every minute of GBRLIFE and I'm happy to share it with all of you. Please keep reading, commenting, following, buying, and subscribing! You make all of this possible and worth it. SO to finally answer the Who am I question...well I'm you! My Journey is your Journey!


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