5 Self-Care Essentials for Remote Working Parents of Little Ones

Photo credit: Andrea Piacquadio

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 75.8 percent of working mothers and 96.1 percent of working fathers with children under the age of 6 were employed full-time in 2019.

​As a result of the ongoing pandemic, many of these individuals are now encouraged (or required) to work from home; some may not return to the office until as late as mid-2021

For all parents, COVID-19 restrictions have posed significant daily challenges. Those who are working from home while parenting little ones are faced with a balancing act that requires weekly planning, preparation, and coordination

In the midst of juggling all of the responsibilities of work and parenting, it is easy to forget to replenish yourself. However, taking care of your mind and body is necessary for preventing burnout, stress, and anxiety. Need a little help? Good Bad REAL Life offers five top self-care essentials for remote working parents of little ones.

​Set Physical Boundaries Within Your Home
If you are newer to working from home, it can be tempting to take advantage of the spatial flexibility it offers. It may seem as though changing up your workspace each day (e.g. working in bed, working from your living room, etc.) is an excellent way to accomplish more.

Despite appearances, this strategy is a recipe for anxiety and stress. In fact, experts at the
Cleveland Clinic have reported that working in bed actually reduces your productivity, and can lead to poor sleep.

Therefore, it is best to set strict physical boundaries within your home. In other words, work from a spot that you designate as your “office,” sleep in your bed, and enjoy family time in your family room.

Photo Credit: Brian Wangenheim

​Wear Comfortable + Stylish Outfits During the Day
Another perk of working from home is the ability to wear your PJs 24/7. For the first few days, this can be a fun departure from the norm of business attire. As a parent of young children, it can also feel like a necessary time saver. But experts have found that dressing in
stylish attire while working from home can positively affect your mindset, productivity, and focus.

For new moms, in particular, dressing in stylish looks that don’t compromise on comfort is especially important while working from home. Thankfully, comfort and style are no longer mutually exclusive.
Wardrobe pieces such as leggings, easy-wearing bras, oversized shirts, and on-trend loungewear serve both your fashion and functionality needs.

​Center Your Work Breaks Around Healthy Habits
Make every break during your workday an opportunity to practice
healthy habits. With the fast pace of daily life, it is often easiest to microwave a frozen entrée and to skip daily workouts. Whether you have 15 minutes or one hour, use your time to go on a walk with your child, prepare a nutrient-dense smoothie, or to simply take a few deep breaths.

​Keep Your Daily Schedule Consistent
Without the structure of going to the office, it may seem like a good idea to arrange your schedule around whatever needs to be done that day. However, this can lead to your schedule controlling you, rather than you controlling your schedule. To maintain balance and order, keeping a consistent daily schedule and routine is paramount.

Photo Credit: Rebecca Blandon

Meditate Daily
Studies continue to reveal how beneficial it is to
meditate on a daily basis. In a matter of minutes, meditation can reduce your stress levels, and can improve your overall physical and mental health. ​

​The secret behind the success of meditation is practicing mindfulness. Having the ability to stay present can prevent anxious thoughts about the past and the future. This skill can also help increase your focus.

If you are new to meditation, you can start by downloading one of the many free guided meditation apps available on your phone or tablet.

​In addition to practicing these habits, begin to shift your mindset on the importance of self-care. If you are someone who has thought of self-care as unnecessary, begin to prioritize it as much as your work meetings and your family time. When you consistently take care of yourself, you will have far more to give to others.

For more insightful content on parenthood, life, and work, bookmark Good Bad REAL Life today!

Janice Russell

Janice believes the only way to survive parenthood is to find the humor in it. She created Parenting Disasters so that parents would have a go-to resource whenever they needed a laugh, but also to show parents they aren’t alone. She wants every frazzled parent out there to remember that for every kid stuck in a toilet, there’s another one out there somewhere who’s just graced their parents’ walls with some Sharpie artwork!


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