5 Things That Drive Me Crazy! Are You Feeling the Same Way?
We all have things going on in our lives that we hate. I’m not just talking Pet Peeves. These are the things we have left friendships, marriages, etc. for. Things that we are just completely against in every being of us.
The list for me:
Image Credit: GBRLIFE
Being Taken advantage of- we all hate this, I know it. But there is a caveat in there for me. This is going to happen no matter what, but I think annoys me the most is the fact that people think I have no idea what they are doing. I’m FULLY AWARE. If I haven’t said anything to you, it doesn’t mean I didn’t write that down as something you have officially done to me, because I know your capable of doing it again and you don’t value/ respect others. I’m not going to hold a grudge. I’m just now aware of the type of person you are.
Being asked to apologize for the past for people who hold Grudges- Here is the thing about the past, it’s over and done with. If I hurt someone, I accept that an apology MIGHT be needed. But I’m not going to just apologize per say. Not because I want to be a jerk but there is many sides to one story. 3 in particular, your side, my side and the Truth. Why does that matter? Well if feelings were hurt and you actually do the right thing and tell me about it. Then hey, let’s get through the matter, but if you hold it in, stay that way for decades and then say you did this! Um…yea not exactly going to say sorry for hurting your feelings because I said I didn’t love your casserole. Let’s be honest, you have treated me like the bad guy for decades, I never knew why but I was fully aware that you hated me for something. But guess what, you’re actually at fault for holding in your feelings and expecting me to read your mind. Then getting made because I didn’t read your mind and you have been waiting for an apology for something I didn’t even know I did years ago…per your perception too. I may not have done what you think I did. But who remembers when its ben so long?
Being told who I am- You know me better then I know myself? Really? Oh ok…so how many times have I gone to the bathroom today? Who am I going to vote for? How will I handle my kid’s tantrums? If you know me so well, then you should know the answer to everything I just said and thing I didn’t even think to say! There is the ability to know someone very well, and have an idea of something. BUT, if…for example… I’m telling you I don’t like a certain kind of food and I never have. How are you going to tell me I have always like it.
Photo by Charl Folscher on Unsplash
Expectations- Actually this a BIG one for me. People on every level of my life anyway…have expectations of me. My kids will always be that way but you know what they are kids, they do look to parents to guide them through life and that’s our job until they reach a certain age, and we help them when they want or need us. But past that point….No friends, I’m not going to text, call, email etc. you as often as you want me to or enough, No work, I’m not going to do my job and everyone else’s job. No family, I can’t be at all of your get together’ s, be the perfect daughter, sister, aunt, wife, etc. I hate expectations and refuse to live by them because they are how we want others to behave. Well I’m not behaving according to others, I’m my own person. I do what I want! Hehe. OK OK…I don’t do anything I want, but I can’t make everyone happy. When you want others to act as you feel they should/ behave… it’s to your standards. It’s not possible for people to live up to everyone standards without killing themselves. Your own personal standard is also not perfect and it doesn’t benefit the people you expect to live up to it. Those standards benefit…YOU! Making you selfish when you have these expectations!
Telling me how to do things that you don’t’ do yourself- So you want me to be more considerate, yet you’re not being considerate of me. Or you want me to raise my kids a certain way but your kids aren’t doing half of the things you think I should do. It’s bigger than an expectation, it’s you thinking you are king or queen and you literally know it all. Experience teaches us plenty but those are your own experiences. They may not work for me or my family.
This for me is only the beginning but I do try to forgive often and let go of anything I can. I am no perfect person, so I try hard not to EXPECT perfection from others. Especially because I hate it, so as I mentioned above…I don’t want people to do as I say and not as I do.