Fun Craft Ideas For Kids
I'm not a neat freak but with two little kids, I basically never want them to do any kind of crafts. But kids just LOVE to be creative and as a parent, we should really promote them being as creative as they can be. It's in those moments they grow with their imaginations and their knowledge.
Plus, who didn't love making photos with macaroni!
In an effort to find mess free crafts for my children, I decided to share in the wealth!
5 Crafts to keep those kiddos busy and your home less messy!
Then you grab a hose and it's clean. I feel like this is a win win for everyone. Take those kiddos out to the park and let them do it there if you don't have access to a regular side walk. Bring some water with you and problem solved for all of the "Karen's" who will probably yell at you for letting your kids have fun. The Horror!