Fulltime Job, Mom, & Blogger, How To Guide

​Prior to having a child, I could work until 2 AM, knowing I could get nap in the next day. Once I had my Son, the core of me didn’t change so I would still dive deep into work and try to get everything done in all ways. That includes having a clean home and proper planning for well anything. So, in comes my Son and out goes sleep, but so does downtime. Which means most of the downtime, I have to utilize to get things done, not so much relaxation. And there is the key to the success of it all. Taking the moments that exist and using them for what is needed, not wanted. Then when everything that is needed is accomplished, get into those wants.

I’m sure by this point you’re probably like “ok, cool…no thanks!” but it’s not this horrible way to live because the next important step is to organize things and come up with a routine for your kids. That means your days are a bit more sectioned off and you will begin to have an idea as to when you have a chance to get things done.

For you non planners who love to just go on adventures, this whole concept will not work for you per say but in some ways it still might, and this is why…No matter how much you don’t want to live your life by routine, kids kind of do it naturally anyway. For example,…I bet you typically get tired around the same time every night. That’s because our bodies naturally do that, and your kid’s bodies do it too! Naptime, bedtime, they will want to go to sleep and they will probably either whine around the same time everyday to go to sleep or they get cranky until they get another burst of energy around the same time every day. SO how does this method work for everyone, well since you probably have an idea as to what your kids are like you also have an idea subconsciously or very consciously for you planners know as to when you have pockets of time.

Now to better explain what is needed versus wanted. You need to take care of your mind, body and soul. You don’t NEED to have a perfectly clean home 24/7. But you also need to make sure your home is at least not the best place for insects to make their new homes. Ok, now that you understand that portion of the show, it’s now about writing down what is needed versus wanted and start to get through that list in all of your pockets of time. For example, before I sat down to write this, I had to get my son ready for bedtime, get all his toys and my home back into shape and lastly find the energy to get this out (among other items) But I Knew what needed to be done so I was able to do things in the way that worked best for me and my family with needs first.

I went along with the normal routine but I didn’t make it a priority to make sure the floor was spic and span again and that every surface was disinfected. I also don’t make life difficult by trying to put away all of my sons toys in this perfect way. Baskets are awesome ways at hiding messes.

I saw Tidying up, and that may happen at some point in life but it’s a want not a need for me. Until then, I am content to be a real person, with kids and a job I have to worry about. So with my dishwasher going to clean up the dishes I don’t have time to hand wash, my son fed and asleep, his toys put away, clutter is gone, my husband content to do his own thing for a moment and my floors still needing a good mopping. I can say that this is my next need, to write this but for me it’s also a want. My next want is to make sure I mop my floors because I hate dirty floors, but we will all live until I can get to it during that next pocket of time. And that’s the last piece of all of this. I may go to work, and I may have a busy life, but I still do the things I love to do, just in those pockets of time because you must still make yourself a priority. Your kids and family will be happier because YOU will be happier. (Side note: Your significant other should be assisting with everything, I’m not trying to tell anyone to do it all, because let’s face it that would be horrible. Besides as they get something done, you can have one of those great pockets of time!)

Steps :
1. Taking the moments that exist and using them for what is needed, not wanted. Then when everything that is needed is accomplished, get into those wants.

2. Organize things and come up with a routine for your kids.

3. Don’t make life difficult by trying to put away everything in this perfect way, make it easy to get things organized. 

4. Make yourself a priority. You don’t have to be number one, but you have to make the list!

5. Forgive yourself if you don’t get it all done. It’s ok if everything isn’t perfect you will get to it next time!

Kaitlyn Bracey

Who Am I? The face behind this screen is easily seen at Youtube.com at GBRLIFE or the VLOG Page. But, I know that doesn't answer the question as to who I am. I'm a Mom, Wife, and full-time employee, who also happens to own her Own Vlog, Blog, Podcast, and Clothing Line. I have two kids of my own and 2 step kids and I’ve been married to a wonderful man since 2017. My 9-5 job is in the Technology industry so I deal with men all day, but I love getting to learn new things and helping humanity grow in the technology realm. On the side, I have always been a writer and I happen to talk a ton so GBRLIFE came into fruition along with a couple of books. I have loved every minute of GBRLIFE and I'm happy to share it with all of you. Please keep reading, commenting, following, buying, and subscribing! You make all of this possible and worth it. SO to finally answer the Who am I question...well I'm you! My Journey is your Journey!


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